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Charles Varvayanis
Computer and Communication Systems
Since 1990
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Raspberry Pi Wake On LAN Server Setup

Step-by-step instructions for setting up a Wake On LAN server with SSH, VNC and TeamViewer.

These procedures apply to Raspberry Pi 5, 4 or 3 with Raspberry Pi OS (64-Bit), (32-Bit) or (Legacy, 32-Bit) with or without the Wake On LAN Server, SSH, FTP, VNC and/or TeamViewer.

General Notes

1. The procedures below are optomized for setting up a Wake On LAN server on a Raspberry Pi 5, 4 or 3 with Raspberry Pi OS (64-Bit), (32-Bit) or (Legacy, 32-Bit) connected via Ethernet.  Management connectivity is provided via SSH, TeamViewer and VNC.

2. Internet access during setup:  Many of the steps below assume and require the target Raspberry Pi is connected to a network with access to the Internet and a DHCP server on the network configured for DHCP clients to access the Internet.  This is a standard and/or default configuration for most networks, so in most cases nothing additional will need to be done.

3. Management Connectivity Options:  Certain Connectivity options below can be selectively omitted by not implementing the steps in any of these sections below:  "Install and configure TeamViewer - Full Client", "Configure and Enable VNC".  SSH can be omitted while configuring the Raspberry Pi Imager as in the "Load Raspberry Pi OS onto a Micro SD Card" section below, after choosing the DEVICE, OS and STORAGE then clicking NEXT, EDIT SETTINGS and selecting the SERVICES tab, then unchecking "Enable SSH".  The rest of the procedure should be followed as appropriate for the required needs.

Notice about updates, upgrades and installations failing due to repository or network congestion or outages

Occasionally updates, upgrades and installations fail due to repository or network congestion or outages.  Sometimes there is an appropriate message saying as much, sometimes a missing file is reported, and sometimes there is just a failure message without an explanation.  When this occurs, simply run the command again.  If that does not solve the issues immediately, try again later.

Download and Install the Raspberry Pi Imager onto a PC or other computer

Download the Raspberry Pi Imager


Install the Raspberry Pi Imager

Run the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions.

Load the Raspberry Pi OS onto a Micro SD Card

Connect the target Micro SD Card

Connect the target Micro SD Card to a computer with the Raspberry Pi Imager installed.

Open the Raspberry Pi Imager

Windows 10:  Start | Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi Imager
Windows 11:  Start | All Apps | Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi Imager

Select the Desired Options

Raspberry Pi Device | CHOOSE DEVICE | <YourRaspberryPiModel> - Example:  Raspberry Pi 5
Operating System | CHOOSE OS | <DesiredRaspberryPiOS> - Example:  Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit)
Storage | CHOOSE STORAGE | Generic-SD/MMC USB Device
    Set hostname:  | Checked  <DefineYourRaspberryHostnameHere> - Example:  Pi-0001
    Set username and password | Checked
      Username:  <DefineYourRaspberryPiUsernameHere> - Example:  Pi
      password:  <DefineYourRaspberryPiPasswordHere> - Example:  PiPassword
    Configure Wireless LAN | Not Checked
    Set local settings | Checked
      Time zone:  <SelectYourTimeZone> - Example:  America/Los_Angels
      Keyboard Layout:  <SelectYourKeyboardLayoutHere> - Example:  us
    Enable SSH | Checked (See "General Notes" 3. near the top of this document)
      Use password authentication | Selected
    Play sound when finished | Not Checked
    Eject media when finished | Checked
    OPIONS | Eject telemetry | Checked
Would you like to apply OS customizations Settings? | YES
All existing data on 'Generic-SD/MMC USB Device' will be erased.  Are you sure you want to continue? | YES
When the message "You can now remove the SD card from the reader" is displayed | CONTINUE
Remove the Micro SD card from the reader.

Insert the Micro SD Card into the Target Raspberry Pi

Be certain the Target Raspberry Pi is powered off.
Insert the Micro SD Card loaded with the Raspberry Pi OS into the target Raspberry Pi 5, 4 or 3.  Note:  It inserts up-side-down (contacts up) into the Raspberry Pi.
Power on the Raspberry Pi
It is typical for the Raspberry Pi to reboot two or three times the first time it is powered up before it is ready for its first use.  This often takes three to five minutes.

Locate the target Raspberry Pi IP Address

Use a tool such as Advanced IP Scanner to locate the DHCP assigned IP Address of the Raspberry Pi.

  - or -

Connect directly to the target Raspberry Pi via a Display, Keyboard and Mouse.
Open a Terminal window.
sudo hostname -I

Connect to the target Raspberry Pi

Use SSH via a tool such as PuTTY to connect to the Raspberry Pi.
Connect using the IP address or URL of the target Raspberry Pi.
Note:  The first time a connection is made, a security warning may be displayed | Yes

  - or -

Connect directly to the target Raspberry Pi via a Display, Keyboard and Mouse, then open a Terminal window.

Check and update the Raspberry Pi 4 or Pi 5 EEPROM Version

Note:  This tool only works with Raspberry Pi 4 or Pi 5.  Raspberry Pi 3B+ and below have a ROM that can not be updated.

Check if the Raspberry Pi 4 or Pi 5 EEPROM should be updated

sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a

Update the Raspberry Pi 4 or Pi 5 EEPROM if required.

sudo raspi-config
Advance Options | Bootloader Version | Latest | Yes

Change the Raspberry Pi IP address and network settings using NetworkManager

Enable NetworkManager on Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy).  NetworkManager is already enabled by default on Raspberry Pi OS.

  Enable NetworkManager

  sudo raspi-config
  Advance Options | [Enter] | Network Config | [Enter] | NetworkManager | [Enter] | OK | [Enter] | Finish | [Enter] | Would you like to reboot now? | Yes | [Enter]
  Note 1:  The DHCP assigned IP Address of the Raspberry Pi will likely change and may need to be located again.
  Note 2:  The TeamViewer ID of the Raspberry Pi will likely change and may need to be obtained again.

Change the Raspberry Pi IP address and network settings using the NetworkManager User Interface (UI)

sudo nmtui
Edit a connection | [Enter] | Wired Connection 1 | [Enter]
Change these fields  (Note:  Use [Tab] to move around the window, [Enter] to select, and [Esc] to back out of a window):
  IPv4 CONFIURATION | <Automatic> | [Enter] | Manual | [Enter] | <Show> | [Enter]
  Addresses | <Add...> | [Enter] | <YourRaspberryPiIPAddress>/<YourNetworkSubnetworkMask> - Example: | [Enter]
    (Note:  The Subnetwork Mask is expressed in Slash Notation along with the IP Address. - See the CLI section below for additional information)
  Gateway | <YourNetworkDefaultGatewayIPAddress> (Typicaly the network router LAN IP Address - Example: | [Enter]
  DNS Servers | <Add...> | [Enter] | <DNSServer1> - Example: | [Enter]
  DNS Servers | <Add...> | [Enter] | <DNSServer2> - Example: | [Enter]
  OK | [Enter]  (Note:  [Tab] to bottom of the window)
[Esc] | [Esc]

Restart the connection to to begin using the new settings

sudo nmcli con up "Wired connection 1"

- or -

Change the Raspberry Pi IP address and network settings using NetworkManager Command Line Interface (CLI)

Show all network connections

sudo nmcli con show
Note:  "Wired connection 1" is the default Eternet connection name and is assumed in the following commands.

Set IP Address

sudo nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.addresses <YourRaspberryPiIPAddress>/<YourNetworkSubnetworkMask> - Example:  sudo nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.addresses
Note:  The Subnetwork Mask is expressed in Slash Notation along with the IP Address.

Network Subnetwork Mask and Slash Notation Relationships:
Class  Mask                      Slash  Addresses  Nodes

Set the Gateway Address

Note:  Typicaly the Gateway Address is network router LAN IP Address
sudo nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.gateway <YourNetworkDefaultGatewayIPAddress> - Example:  sudo nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.gateway

Set the DNS Servers

sudo nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.dns "<DNSServer1> <DNSServer2> <DNSServer...>" - Example:  sudo nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.dns ""

Set the Addressing Mode to Manual (Static)

sudo nmcli con mod "Wired connection 1" ipv4.method manual

Restart the connection to to begin using the new settings

sudo nmcli con up "Wired connection 1"

For testing (Optional) - Display the IP Address.  Gateway.  DNS Servers and Addressing Mode

sudo nmcli -g ip4.address,ipv4.gateway,ip4.dns,ipv4.method connection show "Wired connection 1"

For testing (Optional) - Display the profile so all parameters can be reviewed

sudo nmcli -p con show "Wired connection 1"

Install and configure TeamViewer

See "General Notes" 3. near the top of this document.

Install TeamViewer

Download latest package lists

sudo apt-get update -y

Download and install updated listed packages

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Disable Wayland (Remote Graphics Support) and switch to the older X11 (Remote Graphics Support) because TeamViewer does not yet work with Wayland (Note:  Wayland in not enabled on Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy) by default)

sudo raspi-config
Advance Options | [Enter] | Wayland | [Enter] | X11 | [Enter] | Ok | [Enter] | Finish | [Enter] | Would you like to reboot now? | Yes | [Enter]

Download and install TeamViewer - Select one of the four configurations below:

1)  TeamViewer Full Client instalation with a 64-Bit OS:

  Download TeamViewer

  wget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer_arm64.deb

  Install TeamViewer (Note:  Errors during installation are normal and can usually be ignored)

  sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_arm64.deb

2)  TeamViewer Full Client instalation with a 32-Bit OS:

  Download TeamViewer

  wget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer_armhf.deb

  Install TeamViewer (Note:  Errors during installation are normal and can usually be ignored)

  sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_armhf.deb

3)  TeamViewer Host instalation with a 64-Bit OS:

  Download TeamViewer

  wget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer-host_arm64.deb

  Install TeamViewer (Note:  Errors during installation are normal and can usually be ignored)

  sudo dpkg -i teamviewer-host_arm64.deb

4)  TeamViewer Host instalation with a 32-Bit OS:

  Download TeamViewer

  wget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer-host_armhf.deb

  Install TeamViewer (Note:  Errors during installation are normal and can usually be ignored)

  sudo dpkg -i teamviewer-host_armhf.deb

Download and install additional OS compnents needed by TeamViewer - This corrects for the errors above, if any.

sudo apt --fix-broken install -y

Download latest package lists

sudo apt-get update -y

Download and install updated listed packages

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Configure TeamViewer

Set the TeamViewer password

sudo teamviewer passwd <DefineYourTeamViewerPasswordHere> - Example:  sudo teamviewer passwd MyTeamViewerPassword

Accept TeamViewer Licensing only, but do no additional configuration from this setup tool

sudo teamviewer setup
Are you a resident of the Republic of Korea? (y/n) | n
Accept License Agreement? (y/n) | y
Abort the TeamViewer setup at this poit by pressing Control-C (Pressing the "Control" key and "C" key at the same time).

Obtain and record the TeamViewer ID (Note:  This only only provides the TeamViewer ID if it is connected to the Internet)

sudo teamviewer info
The TeamViewer ID is displayed twice near the top of the TeamViewer information.  Record the TeamViewer ID for you records.

Reboot the Raspberry Pi to get TeamViewer working.  Note:  "sudo teamviewer --daemon restart" or "sudo systemctl restart teamviewerd" do not get TeamViewer working

sudo reboot

Set TeamViewer to accept incoming LAN connections:

Since TeamViewer should now be working, a connection to the Raspberry Pi GUI should be possible via the TeamViewer client by using the TeamViewer ID of the target Raspberry Pi, obtained above.

Using TeamViewer from another machine, connect to the Raspberry Pi using the IP address or URL of the target Raspberry Pi.
  - or -
Connect directly to the target Raspberry Pi via a Display, Keyboard and Mouse, then open a Terminal window.

From the Raspberry Pi GUI open TeamViewer by clicking on the TeamViewer icon in the right side of the Task Bar at the top of the Raspberry Pi desktop.

Click on "Extras" in the left side of the TeamViewer Menu Bar at the top of the TeamViewer window.

Click on "Options".  It opens to the "General" window.

In the "General" window, click on the "Incoming LAN connections" drop down list and select "accept".

Click on the "OK" button.

Close the TeamViewer window by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of the TeamViewer window.

Connect to the traget Raspberry Pi via TeamViewer

Use TeamViewer to connect to the Raspberry Pi

Connect using the TeamViewer ID, IP address or URL of the target Raspbery Pi.

Configure and Enable VNC

See "General Notes" 3. near the top of this document.

Set VNC Display Resolution and Enable VNC

sudo raspi-config
Interface Options | VNC | Yes | OK | Display Options | VNC Resolution | 1024x768 | OK | Finish | Yes (Reboot required for Raspbery 4 and 5)

  - or -

Via the Rasberry Pi GUI (Desktop)
Click on "Start" (Rasberry) in the left side of the Task Bar at the top of the Raspberry Pi desktop
Click on "Preferences"
Click on "Raspberry Pi Configuration"
Click on the "Interfaces" tab.
Click on the "VNC:" switch to turn it on.
Click on the "Display" tab
Click on the "Headless Resolution:" drop-down list and select "1024x768"
Click on the "OK" Button.
Reboot required for Raspbery Pi 4 and 5.  Click on the "OK" Button when this is displayed:  "The changes you have made require the Raspberry Pi to be rebooted to take effect.  Would you like to reboot now? | Yes"

Connect to the traget Raspberry Pi via VNC

Use a tool such as RealNVC Viewer to connect to the Raspberry Pi

  - or -
Connect using the IP address or URL of the target Raspbery Pi.
Note:  The first time a connection is made, a security warning may be displayed | Continue

Install etherwake

Download latest package lists

sudo apt-get update -y

Download and install updated listed packages

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Download and install etherwake

sudo apt install etherwake

Remove packages that were automatically installed and are no longer required

Occasionally excess update, upgrade and installation packages install automatically, but are no longer required and can be removed automatically.

Automatically detect and remove packages no longer required

sudo apt autoremove -y

Charles Varvayanis
Sonora, CA  95370
e-mail:  charles@varvayanis.com
Phone:  (209) 586-3782
Fax:  (209) 586-3761
Business Card (PDF 153 KB) PDF

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